Recent and upcoming public writings


The ethics and politics of artificial intelligence, LSE Business Review 2021 | Read more


Public-private collaboration in AI governance, Justice Everywhere 2021 | Read more

Is ethics really good for business?,
Justice Everywhere 2022 | Read more

Should Uber become a worker cooperative?, Justice Everywhere 2020 | Read more

Protecting employee privacy in the workplace, Justice Everywhere 2023

Recent and upcoming research talks

Ethical AI and bias mitigation in recruitment” (Online)
Nov. 23rd, 2023: AI for Recruitment Conference, Business Forum International (UK)

How is AI Changing the World?”, Panel: Thomas Ferretti, Christine Chow, Giulia Gentile, Michael Wooldridge
June 17th, 2023: LSE Festival, London School of Economics (UK)

“Protecting employee privacy in the age of workplace analytics”
Sept. 12th, 2023: MANCEPT: Governing AI, University of Manchester (UK)
May 2nd, 2023: Midis intimes de la Chaire Hoover, UCLouvain (BE)

The Future of Privacy”, Chair and Convener: Thomas Ferretti, Panel: Orla Lynskey, Elin Palm, Alex Voorhoeve
March 6th, 2023: LSE Public Lecture, London School of Economics (UK)

“World Café: How can we make AI ethical?” (Student event)
Jan. 24th, 2023
: LSE Life, London School of Economics (UK)

Ethics in Finance“, Pre-sessional Programme of the MSc Finance and Private Equity
Sept. 15th, 2022: Department of Finance, London School of Economics (UK)

“Comments on Daniel Halliday’s paper: ‘Workplace Hierarchy: The Case for Optimism’ ”
July 15th, 2022: Labor Market and Workplace Justice, Centre for the Study of Social Justice, University of Oxford (UK)

Artificial Intelligence and Democracy”, Chair and Convener: Thomas Ferretti, Panel: Etienne Brown, Jocelyn Maclure, Zeynep Pamuk, Annette Zimmermann
May 23rd, 2022: LSE Public Lecture, London School of Economics (UK) (Online)

“Algorithmes et Big Data: Quelle éthique pour l’IA?”, Chair: Julie Paquette, Panel: Thomas Ferretti, Jonathan Durand Folco, Emilie Dionne
Jan. 14th, 2022: Winter School in Public Ethics, Université Saint-Paul (CA) (Online)

“Public administrations should promote federations of worker cooperatives” (Online)
Nov. 4th, 2021: Rapports de pouvoir dans les organisations, Université Saint-Paul (CA)

“AI Ethics: a fireside chat”, Chair: David Wright, Panel: Thomas Ferretti, Kate Vredenburgh (invited private sector talk)
Oct. 14th, 2021: Intelligent Service Desks Event, London (UK) (Online)

An institutionalist approach to AI ethics: government regulation vs. self-regulation”
Sept. 9th, 2021: MANCEPT: Governing AI, University of Manchester (UK) (online)

A liberal egalitarian perspective on the platform economy: mitigation or organizational change?”
Sept. 8th, 2021: MANCEPT: Justice and non-standard work, Manchester (UK) (online)

“Comments on Denise Celentano’s paper: ‘Normative Concerns of Algorithmic Management’ ”
July 22nd, 2021: Labor Justice and the Transformation of Work, Barcelona (SP) (online)

“Transforming economic organizations: worker cooperatives, codetermination, bicameralism”
Jan. 29th, 2021: Democratizing the Corporation, Conference of the Real Utopias Project, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm (SE) (Online)

Recent news and reviews

2023: appointed Lecturer at the University of Greenwich, in the Executive Business Centre (EBC).

2022: appointed Fellow in Philosophy at the LSE’s Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method.

2020: awarded the LSE Excellence in Education Award from the Eden Centre for Education Enhancement.

2019-22: nomminated to the LSE student-led Teaching Excellence Award in various categories: Sharing subject knowledge, Inspirational teaching, Feedback and communication, and Welfare and pastoral support.

2019: completed the LSE Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education leading to the status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA: PR178157).

2016-18: awarded the FRQSC Postdoctoral Research Scholarship (60.000 $CAD) and FAS Postdoctoral Fellowship Award (45.000 $CAD) for a research project on inequalities the platform economy, at the Univesrity of Toronto (UofT).

I am greatefull to students at the University of Greenwich, the London School of Economics, and the University of Toronto for making teaching so rewarding over the years. Below are a selection of anonymous comments from students on recent teaching feedback forms.

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“Thomas is a fantastic teacher! One of the best teachers I’ve ever had at LSE. He really wants you to understand the content.”

“Thomas is an inspiring lecturer. As a policymaker myself, his lectures have left great positive influences to my policy-making paradigm. His business ethics arguments are valuable for my future policy deliberation. Thank you Thomas!”

“Thomas is an amazing teacher! You can tell that he's really engaged and knowledgable in his subject and he can translate this to the students. I love attending classes, they are interactive and chill at the same time. One of my favorite courses this year!”

“I enjoyed these classes and find them one of the best structured, well prepared and organised, very helpful for a better understanding of ethics. I highly appreciate efforts Thomas contributed to making complex concepts interesting and practically applicable.”

“Thomas is an amazing teacher. He always takes his time to clarify points, provide extensive feedback on our essays and makes everyone feel involved. I really like his style of teaching.”

“Brings philosophical issues to bear on real world issues, which is brilliant. The case studies help open students' eyes to the ways in which philosophy is relevant outside academia.”

“Thomas provides very detailed, informative and motivative feedback on formative essay. The quality of feedback is one of the best that I have received so far throughout my course of Master degree. Thank you very much Thomas!”